
Pie : Action procedure inappropriate

Pie : Action procedure inappropriate

The Gauteng Local Division of the High Court, in the matter of DNN Technologies (Pty) Ltd v Mdwara [2024 (6) SA 467 (GJ)], held that eviction proceedings in terms of the Pie Act may only be brought on motion. The court held that the action procedure was not competent...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

A previous article under the heading  “Is Lady Justice wavering?” caused quite a stir. The article referred to a statement by the well-known economist Dawie Roodt who claims that the element of control characterises present-day State practices. In the Judicial system...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

The diamond and the dust

In the last blog we intimated that Lady Justice is wavering – well maybe it’s not all that bad. In one week the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal hand down two major judgments – Janusz Walus, Chris Hani’s murderer, is freed and Jacob Zuma must return to...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

Divorce : don’t be the victim

The breakdown of a marriage is always a very traumatic event in one's life. When children are involved in can get even worse. Make sure that when the time comes and the unfortunate breakdown occurs, that you get the right advice. Wrong advice can straddle you in a...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

Seminar dates for September 2022

The dates of seminars to be held country-wide in September this year have been decided. Seminars will be presented on the topic of rule amendments, civil procedure and Evictions. New developments in this field of the law, latest case law and rule changes will be...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

SPLUMA by-laws declared invalid

In a ground-breaking judgment the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) has held in the matter of Govan Mbeki Local Municipality and another v Glencore Operations, South Africa (Pty) Ltd and others that the by-laws enforced in terms of the SPLUMA Act, are invalid. These...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

Seminaardatums September 2022

Die seminaar fokus op Siviele Prosesreg, Uitsettings en Reëlwysigings. Nuwe ontwikkelings op hierdie gebied van die reg asook nuwe regspraak sal behandel word met die fokus op die praktyk. Die datums in die verskillende sentra is soos volg: Pretoria 9 SeptemberPort...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

September 2022 Seminars

We are delighted to once again present in-person seminars after a long delay of 2 years as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Note that this is not a virtual seminar, although a recording may be made available subsequent to the seminar. Upmarket venues will be used,...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?


Our lives have become increasingly computer and digitally driven and consequently we have to be aware of data theft and incursions that have become prevalent. We have to make sure that our personal information is safe at all times. As a professional service provider,...

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Can Lady Justice give us a smile?

Jurisdiction : Major decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal

The judgments and various rulings of the Mpumalanga High Court regarding the relationship between the main seat in Nelspruit and the local seat in Middelburg, have been effectively overruled by the SCA. The practice in the Mpumalanga High Court was to regard the main...

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