In the last blog we intimated that Lady Justice is wavering – well maybe it’s not all that bad. In one week the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal hand down two major judgments – Janusz Walus, Chris Hani’s murderer, is freed and Jacob Zuma must return to jail. Both judgments result in an outcry and anger that speak of the mentality of the protesters.

Against this background, I recall the 19th September 2022. It was a very sad day in the lives of people to whom the late Schalk Pienaar, a colleague of Mokopane (former Potgietersrus) was dear. Schalk was murdered at his home late in the afternoon of that day. Schalk became the victim of violence against legal practitioners who side with the truth and fight for justice. The forces of evil struck down his body, but not his soul.

Schalk was my good friend, mentor and colleague. He is not the first and will not be the last to perish at the hands of the barbaric new South Africa that we live in. This is a country where the Government is interested only in what monetary gains it’s role players can derive from the positions they occupy. They fight for power in order to attain the right to sit at the grazing pots of the land where they rape, steal and destroy. This is what our country has come to – a land governed by the largest crime syndicate the world has seen. I lay the death of Schalk Pienaar squarely before the feet of these thugs that have proven what has been predicted for years, even before 1994 – the ANC cannot govern a country. They just don’t have the ability.

It is their lack of action, of proper policing, an ineffective justice system, that has resulted in thousands of farmers and citizens, both black and white, being brutally murdered. They harp and whine about apartheid and they cry about how they suffered – they demand apologies, and our churches crawl before them and apologise, over and over again. They forget how this country’s infrastructure looked under Apartheid.

At the same time they say and do nothing about farm murders. Farmers, tourists and professionals are slain on a virtual daily basis. Nothing happens. Whatever Apartheid may have been, the country was never close to the present lawless chaos. It’s time you, mr President and your bunch of ANC bandits, start apologising for what you have done to our beautiful country. Apologise, in stead of your people moaning about Jacob Zuma’s deserved imprisonment by the SCA. How backward must a country be when its citizens have to turn to the courts in the land to see justice done for the multitude of crimes a corrupt president has been successfully evading for years.

As you can see, I am furious. Not only because someone I dearly loved has died, but because his death is not being taken seriously by the powers that be. This week two of his murderers appeared in Court and not a word was reported in the media. They rant and rave about Chris Hani’s murderer being released by the Constitutional Court. Certainly nothing good should be said of such a murderous deed, but what about the farmers slaughtered every day? Not a word. They are just not capable of rational and balanced judgment – the mentality exposed by their outrage over these judgments.

Not only is it the ANC’s incompetence that has caused this – it is their stubborn belief in Communist ideologies. The same ideology that the Communists themselves have abandoned. Central to Communist policies is the element of control – everyone and everything must be under the control of central government. More and more elements of our daily lives and liberties are eroded by this fanatic obsession to control us. We saw it during Covid.

In the midst of all this tragedy our President is parading with the King of England and dining in Royal Palaces, unmoved by the disintegration of his country and its infrastructure turning to dust. Charity begins at home mr President. Whilst one acknowledges the importance of building relationships with foreign countries in the interests of economic growth and other advantages, you cannot keep begging for hand-outs while the state coffers are being looted. Get your house in order. Earn respect. This country was once an economic giant – you have turned it into a beggars den.

And by the way – put the debate over the Cullinan diamond to rest – at least one of our assets is safe with the King of England.



