Eviction & the CPA : 30 September 2024 – REGISTER HERE


This seminar deals with the practical process of every mode of eviction, being it Esta, Pie, the LTA or commercial evictions. Senior practitioners as well as clerks and less experienced practitioners can benefit from this seminar.

The seminars will assist practitioners to distingioush between the different modes of eviction and will also deal with the latest case law.

Precedents will be provided. Eviction law has developed over the past 10 years and is constantly developing, especially regarding the procedures and practice directives. The seminar includes a case-law update.

The CPA (Consumer Protection Act) has impacted leases of immovable properties and evictions, and will also be discussed.

During the seminar there will be opportunity for questions, discussion of specific eviction-related issues and problem-solving.

High Court & Magistrate’s Court Civil Procedure

This morning seminar deals with practice and procedure in both the High Court and Magistrate’s Court. The seminar is especially aimed at practitioners who need to quickly get to grip with the latest amendments. The impact of various statutes and their application are also dealt with.

The following is dealt with:

The Litigation process – an overview of purpose and chronological order of pleadings and conducting of a trail
A discussion of the Rules of Court more frequently encountered in practice
Drafting of pleadings, particulars of claim, pleas, counter claims and applications
Discussion of all frequently encountered causes of action, with precedents
Discussion of specific processes:
Rescission of judgments
Interlocutory applications
Various statutory measures : the CPA, NCA, Pie & Esta
Interdicts and attachments – new rules 43A and 46A.

Christo Smith Prokureurs in samewerking met Veritas Bemagtigingstrust bied seminare landswyd aan. Die aanbieder, Christo Smith, is ‘n praktiserende prokureur met meer as 30 jaar ervaring in eiendomsreg. Hy is die outeur van die handboeke Eviction & Rental Claims : A practical guide asook Civil Practice in Magistrates’ Courts : The Practitioner’s Manual. Beide boeke word deur LexisNexis gepubliseer. Hy het reeds verskeie seminare privaat en in opdrag van die Prokureursorde en LEAD aangebied oor Uitsettings, die Landdroshofreëls, die Verbruikerswet en onlangs oor die nuwe Deeltitelwetgewing.

Seminars op Eiendom WetDeeltitels, Gemeenskapskemas en die Ombud

Die Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 en die Community Schemes Ombud Service Act 9 of 2011 is op 7th October 2016 in werking gestel. Verskeie regulasies is ook gepubliseer.

Prokureurs, trustees en eiendomsagente moet op hoogte kom van die kritiese aspekte van hierdie wetgewing aangesien verskeie vorme van nakoming vereis word. ‘n Litigasie prosedure is ook geskep vir beslegting van alle dispute deur die Ombud. Nie-nakoming kan lei tot boetes en vervolging. Agente wat optree in stryd met die wetgewing kan boonop sivielregtelik vir skadevergoeding aangespreek word.

Die belangrikste nuwe ontwikkelings wat meegebring word deur die wetgewing en waarmee in besonderhede tydens die seminare gehandel sal word, is die volgende:

Registrasie van skemas by die Ombud (30 dae)
Maandelikse heffings
Jaarlikse opgawes
Voorgeskrewe bestuurs- en gedragsreëls
Voorgeskrewe reserwefondse
Oudit van state
Dispuutbeslegting en Ombud litigasie
Stemreg en resolusies
Getrouheids- en ander versekering
Boetes en rente.

Ander lokale en sentra sal oorweeg en mettertyd aangekondig word op hierdie blad. Hierdie is ‘n ontbytseminaar (07h00 – 12h00) : sluit volle ontbyt in. Die Paarl seminar sal in Afrikaans aangebied word maar dit is nie ‘n waarborg nie – indien daar Engelse persone is wat nie Afrikaans verstaan nie, sal die seminar in Engels aangebied word met voldoende tyd vir Afrikaanse vrae en bespreking.

Plekke is beperk – bespreking is noodsaaklik.
Volledige notas wat die wetgewing en regulasies orden en verduidelik in logiese formaat, sal verskaf word.

Successful seminars on Eviction law have been held in Cape Town, Paarl, Pretoria and Johannesburg, Durban and other cities since 2011

The book on Eviction is a loose-leaf publication and is regularly updated. It now includes a new comprehensive section on the effect and application of the Consumer Protection Act on leases and eviction. Christo has presented seminars countrywide on behalf of LEAD as well as privately for a number of years. He is an expert in the field of eviction and rental claims and litigates extensively in this field of the law.

Seminar Feedback

It was eye opening - very interesting : I really enjoyed it. Thank you.

Mersheley Shai

Uitstekend. Ek wens ek kon jare gelede hierdie seminaar bywoon.

Wilna Roux

Excellent (keep up the good work)

Hansie Augustiny

Baie dankie - baie waardevol

Merwil van Zyl

Very much helpful

Ingrid Essl

We can assist you with any legal issue – go to the relevant field for more information or call us at 013 753 3187

Moenie huiwer om te vra nie
