Covid19 has brought the reality of death much closer to all of us than ever before. We all owe a responsibility to our loved ones to ensure that our affairs are in order. Even if you do have a will, it may be outdated. You may have married in the meantime or acquired other assets. Maybe there is a new-born child or one on the way.
You may say that your will is “with the bank” – that is false security. Banks do not have your best interests at heart like your own family does. Banks cannot provide expert advice in estate matters. If your bank has been appointed as executor in your estate, change it now. You need someone you can trust with your assets, like your spouse or a family member – someone who will be sympathetic towards your loved ones – not a faceless bank. You can always appoint an attorney to do the work whilst retaining the control. Better safe than sorry. Seek professional advice and get peace of mind.