Seminars will be presented on

6 Desember 2017 in Middelburg and

7 Desember 2017 in Potchefstroom

Book here

Eviction law has been significantly impacted by case law and procedure during the past year. In addition the Consumer Protection Act has changed the procedure of some evictions. The sectional title and community scheme landscape has been drastically transformed by new legislation which makes provision for a dispute resolution mechanism as alternative to legislation through the courts. The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 and the Community Schemes Ombud Service Act 9 of 2011 came into effect on 7th October 2016. Various Regulations have also been published.

Prokureurs, trustees en eiendomsagente moet op hoogte kom van die kritiese aspekte van hierdie wetgewing aangesien verskeie vorme van nakoming vereis word. ‘n Litigasie prosedure is ook geskep vir beslegting van alle dispute deur die Ombud. Nie-nakoming kan lei tot boetes en vervolging. Agente wat optree in stryd met die wetgewing kan boonop sivielregtelik vir skadevergoeding aangespreek word.
