Seminar Bookings follow the guide below
Payment must be made via this site to secure registration. If you require a PRO-FORMA INVOICE prior to making payment, please read below. If you qualify for the discount due to being an article clerk, make the booking on the appropriate platform - take note there are 2 icons for every venue. If you are unsure, please phone us at 013 7533187.
Click on the date of the seminar and “add to cart”.
Confirm the number of seats you require on the next page and click on “proceed to checkout“.
Fill in the “billing details” on the next page for registration purposes. Then click on “place order” at the bottom of the page.
Your order number will appear on the next page. You can make payment VIA Payfast.
After payment an invoice will be forwarded to you.
IF YOU REQUIRE A PRO FORMA INVOICE : A pro-forma invoice is only applicable if a company or firm requires an invoice before payment can be processed. If a pro-forma invoice is needed, please request this from providing the Firm name, Firm address and Firm VAT number of the company responsible for payment. After you receive the pro-forma invoice payment must then be done via this site to secure and complete registration.