Eviction law has developed significantly during the past year and various judgments, especially on Pie and Esta have impacted on practice and procedure. The Consumer Protection Act has also brought a new dimension to evictions and rental claims. The Act makes provision for various categories of agreements that may to a variable degree be subject to the Act and require certain formalities that have to precede an eviction action or application.

This is a morning seminar that deals with all evictions ā€“ from the first consultation to the final order. Comprehensive notes and precedents are provided as well as hints to speed up the process. The seminar is practical and aimed at clerks as well as seasoned practitioners ā€‹who need to acquaint themselves with the basics. Special attention is given to drafting aspects and procedure..ā€‹In addition the practical aspects of Eviction law, the effect of attachment procedures of immovable property, as well as new developments and case law, are dealt with.

Dates and venues are as follows :

  • Paarl 10 September 2014 (Afrikaans)
  • Cape Town 11 September 2014
  • East London 15 September 2014
  • Port Elizabeth 16 September 2014
  • Pretoria 19 September 2014
  • Johannesburg 22 September2014
  • East Rand 26 September 2014
  • Durban 29 September 2014

It is essential to register for the seminar as the seating is limited.
