Law Blog

Wills are also about small things

Wills are also about small things

When considering a will, the assets of value come to mind. Often we forget about the small things, like who gets the dog or who are the best parents to take care of our minor children when we pass. Get in touch with us and get peace of mind.

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Wills are also about small things

Relentless pursuit

We render a service that deals effectively with defaulting debtors and those who run from their obligations. Civil litigation has become tedious as a result of ever increasing legal red tape. In addition, the judiciary is tainted by the example of prominent people...

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Wills are also about small things

South Africa on the slippery slope to anarchy

If you have ever wondered whether the ANC will concede defeat at any future election, here is the answer. The following is an extract from Legal Brief (published by the Law Society of SA and Juta) of 12 February 2021 and its contents is so startling that one cannot...

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Wills are also about small things

Zuma : now comes the real challenge

The latest shots in the Zuma-saga poses the ultimate challenge for the Government : does the President and his questionable band of brothers mean real business with corruption or are they bluffing? Zuma has openly scoffed at the rule of law, the Constitution and the...

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Wills are also about small things

Your will is crucial

Covid19 has brought the reality of death much closer to all of us than ever before. We all owe a responsibility to our loved ones to ensure that our affairs are in order. Even if you do have a will, it may be outdated. You may have married in the meantime or acquired...

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Wills are also about small things

The Supreme Court of Appeal : going all the way

In the matter of Van Heerden v Bronkhorst our firm represented mrs Bronkhorst. The matter emanated from a will of mrs Bronkhorst’s late husband that was lost.  An unsigned copy of the will was later found amoungst the deceased’s papers. At that stage, a much earlier...

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Wills are also about small things

High Court in limping mode

The LSSA Legalbrief of 16 October expresses serious concerns over the state of the judiciary nationwide. Locally, in Mpumalanga, we recently addressed the dismal state of the filing system of the civil division of the Magistrate’s Court in a Facebook post, subsequent...

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Wills are also about small things

A new kid on the block – Attorneys admission

Yolandi Swart – ons firma se trots. Meer as 17 jaar gelede het hierdie dame as ‘n junior sekretaresse begin, skouer aan die wiel gesit, en nou, ‘n man, twee pragtige seuns en vele jare se studie later, kan sy die vrugte pluk. Geluk Gὔnther – dit kos baie opoffer en...

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Wills are also about small things

Morals landlords and the law

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit many businesses hard, in many instances to the point of closure. Some Landlords have shown empathy, however, not everyone has the same perception of what empathy is. Landlords, in many instances, grant generous extensions and reductions...

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Wills are also about small things

COVID-19 measures

During the lockdown from Thursday 26 March 2020 our firm will not be available at our offices in Nelspruit. We will however still be operational. Service can be effected at (Yolandi). For general inquiries we can be reached at 060 497 2512. The...

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